Traffic Engineering

Civil Engineering Consulting Services, Inc. (CECS) uses state-of-the-art traffic engineering techniques to design roadways for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. Project types have ranged from the analysis and design of major interchanges to small intersection improvements. Our extensive traffic engineering experience includes traffic signal warrant and timing studies, traffic signal plan preparation, crash analyses, interchange justification reports, and interchange modification reports. We are proficient with both SYNCHRO and HCS software and conduct all studies following the guidelines in FHWA’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and SCDOT’s Signal Design Manual.


CECS has extensive knowledge of SCDOT traffic design standards as many of the CECS staff members previously worked in the traffic engineering section at the department. CECS' staff has an excellent reputation in the traffic operations engineering industry.

Our traffic engineering services include:


•  Capacity Analysis

•  Geometric Design of Intersection Layouts and Analysis

•  Traffic Impact Studies

•  Freeway and Interstate Ramp Analysis

•  Traffic Signal Design

•  Parking Lot Design and Circulation Studies

•  Pedestrian and Bicycle Studies

•  Traffic Safety Projects including Road Safety Audits

•  Crash Data Analysis and Recommendations

•  Interchange Justification Reports

•  Interchange Modification Reports

•  Signing

•  Pavement Markings

•  Traffic Control During Construction

•  Transportation Planning

•  Origin and Destination Studies

CECS uses the following programs:



•  Transmodeler


•  AutoTURN

•  GuideSIGN

•  SignCAD


CECS Inc. is now CHA, an innovative, full-service engineering, design, consulting and program/construction management firm providing a wide range of technology-enhanced services to public, private and institutional clients.

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